Para la semana que viene vamos a centrarnos en aquello que pasa en España al principio del siglo XX. El reinado de Alfonso XIII será continuísta con el sistema canovista, hasta la Dictadura de Primo de Rivera. Tras esta el gran cambio será el advenimiento de la II República. Para la semana que viene vamos a leer el Tema 9 y vamos a responder SELECCIONANDO LA RESPUESTA CON UN FRAGMENTO QUE ENCONTRÉIS EN EL LIBRO DE TEXTO.
a) What did the Moroccan problem consist of?
b)Look for information about the Picasso Repport
c)Who leaded a coup d'Etat in 1923? Did the king agree with it?
d)What organisations were banned during the Primo de Rivera dictatorship?
e)What landing confirm the effective control over the Morocco protectorate?
f)What type of parties won the elections on 12 April 1931? What did the king do?
g)What were the main features of the 1931 Republican Constitution?
h)What were the main reforms of the Reformist Biennium? Explain each one.
i)How the Pubblic School changed during the Second Republic?
j)What was the Popular Front?
k)Who organised a coup d'Etat against the legal goverment of the Republic? Did they succeed or fail?
l)Summarize the different phases of the Spanish Civil War.
m)What were the International Brigades?
HOY 10/06/2020 CORRIGEN:
Carlos Coello
Mario Blanco
J. Manuel Aguilar
Tatiana Franco
Pablo González
Pablo Tello
Alicia Drouganova
Pablo Berbel
Nerea Fernández
Ildefonso López
a) What did the Moroccan problem consist of?
The occupation of the Rif was opposed by the Berbers, and led to an ongoing war. In 1909, the Spain gained control of an area rich in minerals in the north, called the Rif
b)Look for information about the Picasso Repport
The Picasso File is the name by which the report written by Major General Juan Picasso, destined in the Supreme Council of War and Navy, in relation to the events that occurred in the General Command of Melilla in July and is known August 1921: the so-called Annual Disaster and the abandonment of positions.
c)Who leaded a coup d'Etat in 1923? Did the king agree with it?
General Primo de Rivera, He had the king’s consent and the support of the employers and conservative politicians.
d)What organisations were banned during the Primo de Rivera dictatorship?
Suspended the Constitution and dissolved the Cortes. Political parties and unions such as the CNT were banned.
e)What landing confirm the effective control over the Morocco protectorate?
The Alhucemas landing.
f)What type of parties won the elections on 12 April 1931? What did the king do?
Berenguer was replaced by another officer, Admiral Aznar, who called for municipal elections to be held on 129 April 1931
It was between monarchy and republic. They signed the Pact of San Sebastian to create a united party for the elections.
g)What were the main features of the 1931 Republican Constitution?
It legalised political parties and unions.
It granted amnesty for political prisoners of the dictatorship.
It created a provisional Generalitat for the government of Catalonia
It passed broad social laws.
h)What were the main reforms of the Reformist Biennium? Explain each one.
Reform of the Army.
Retirement Law, which allowed for the retirement of almost half of military officers.
The Zaragoza Military Academy, where senior officers generally hostile to the Republic received their training, was closed.
The officers most opposed to the new regime were reassigned.
The Guardia de Asalto, a new militarised police loyal to the Republic, was created.
Separation of the Church and the State.
The aim was to reduce the Church's influence on public life and education.
Reforms included the abolition of public spending on maintaining the clergy as well as the dissolution of influential religious orders dedicated to teaching, such as the Society of Jesus.
Territorial Reform: Statutes of Autonomy
Catalonia was the first territory to accept the autonomous prerogative. Following a provisional Generalitat in 1931, and despite right-wing opposition in the Cortes, the Statute of Autonomy was approved in 1932.
In the Basque Country, a statute was drawn up and approved in 1936.
In Galicia, the beginning of the Civil War put a stop to the process of autonomy.
Land Reform
The Republic addressed the problem of land ownership. In some parts of Spain, especially in Andalusia and Extremadura, there were hundreds of thousands of landless workers living in extreme poverty, while property was concentrated in the hands of a few hundred landowners.
In 1932, a government law decreed that large estates (latifundia) that were not being cultivated would be expropriated and distributed among the landless peasants. The Institute of Agrarian Reform (IRA) was the agency responsible for providing compensation to landowners and facilitating the settlement of peasant families.
i)How the Public School changed during the Second Republic?
13000 new primary schools and 30 new secondary schools were opened and many teaching positions were created. Almost all of them were occupied by women, whose access to teacher training courses was growing considerably. The government gave grants to students on the basis of financial need or academic merit.
The arrival of a new generation of teachers to rural areas who spread Republican ideas and values.
j)What was the Popular Front?
The left-wing Republicans contested the elections, forming a Popular Front.
Its programme was to continue the counter-reformist policy of the Conservative Biennium and to amend the Constitution.
k)Who organised a coup d'Etat against the legal government of the Republic? Did they succeed or fail?
The military opposition to the Republic made contact with extreme right groups and began to organise a coup.
The uprising failed, especially in large cities and industrial areas, thanks to popular resistance and the support of some police forces, and because a section of the army remained loyal to the Republic.
l)Summarize the different phases of the Spanish Civil War.
-In july 1936, the government was overwhelmed by the coup
-Many trade unionists from the CNT-FAI and UGT took advantage of the situation to carry out a revolutionary process.
-In September 1936, socialist Largo Caballero, the workers’ leader accepted by all the left-wing forces, created a government made up of Republicans, socialists, communists and even anarchists.
-Military defeats increased divisions within the Republican coalition.
-The anarchists and Trotskyists of POUM advocated a radical revolutionary process.
-The socialist Juan Negrín formed a government with the support of the Communists, who were gaining strength thanks to Soviet support.
m) What were the International Brigades?
The Spanish Civil War was fought between the two ideological camps that were in conflict throughout Europe. The conflict was seen as a confrontation between democracy and fascist regimes. Political parties, social groups and intellectuals lined up on either side. Proof of this can be found in the international social mobilisation that brought about 30 000 volunteers from over 50 countries to Spain to join the International Brigades, who fought alongside the Republicans between September 1936 and 1938.
Corregido por Pablo González y Raúl Payán